July 27, 2011

Перезагрузка в приднестровском урегулировании: Россия самоустранилась - лидерство переходит к Украине

Ирина Северин







 Вопреки ожиданиям тема приднестровского урегулирования выпала из повестки дня встречи Меркель и Медведева 19 июля, где, как ожидалось, в том числе и российской стороной, она должна была стать одним из проритетов. Российская сторона надеялась выговорить уступки со стороны Германии и поддержку по ряду вопросов в переговорах с ЕС в обмен на конструктив со стороны России по приднестровскому вопросу, в частности, на содействие запуску официального переговорного процесса в формате 5+2.

July 12, 2011

Ukraine signals readiness to finalise EU pact

EUobserver / Ukraine signals readiness to finalise EU pact
06.07.2011 @ 09:30 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Ukraine's EU ambassador has hinted that Kiev is ready to sign a far-reaching pact with the union even if it makes no more concessions on the economy or pro-enlargement wording.

July 10, 2011

Scenarios for the Development of the Transnistria Conflict

Scenarios for the Development of the Transnistria Conflict: Challenges to European Security / Publications / 

(in English and Ukrainian)
This report was prepared by the Institute of World Policy (Ukraine) in partnership with the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation – PAUCI (Poland), the Institute for Public Affairs (Slovakia), the Institute of Sociology under the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary), and the Association for International Affairs (Czech Republic).
The conflict in Transnistria has been frozen for nearly 20 years at this point, plenty of time for the stand-off to establish very deep roots. This offers both benefits and drawbacks to any resolution of the problem. On one hand, the conflicting sides no longer feel the extreme hostility that had to be overcome in the early 1990s. With the emotional tension declining, the ground is set for communicating and resolving both current issues between the two sides in the conflict and strategic issues that will resolve the problem altogether.

Yulia Tymoshenko Goes On Trial A Day Before Constitution Day

The Jamestown Foundation
Ukraine celebrated constitution day, an irony that has not bypassed Ukrainians. In a new Razumkov Center for Economic and Political Studies survey, Ukrainians pointed to President Viktor Yanukovych as the main infringer of human rights in Ukraine (criminal structures came second). Nearly three quarters of Ukrainians believe their human rights are infringed upon, and that this situation is deteriorating (www.uceps.com.ua, June 27).