May 23, 2010

Австрійська преса: Янукович перед Москвою "стоїть на задніх лапках"

Австрійська преса: Янукович перед Москвою "стоїть на задніх лапках"

Янукович перед Москвою "стоїть на задніх лапках"

ЯнуковичРосія ставить Україну перед вибором: відстоювати суверенітет і втратити в економічному плані - чи йти на поступки. Така думка озвучена в австрійській газеті "Der Standard", яку цитує "Німецька хвиля". "Йдеться про національний суверенітет. Досі Росія завжди вимагала, щоб Україна, як будь-яка інша держава, нарешті сплачувала ринкову ціну за газ. Домовленість про флот доводить протилежне: газова ціна Москви для Києва є політичною", - пише видання.
"За цим слідує наступний крок. Прагнення об'єднання російського "Газпрому" із українським "Нафтогазом" має забезпечити контроль над транзитом газу до Центральної та Західної Європи. Якщо Україна не хоче добровільно, тоді на неї тиснуть, погрожуючи побудувати в обхід неї нові газопроводи на півночі та півдні", - вважає "Der Standard".

Tilting Toward Russia?

I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor

Tilting Toward Russia?

Published: May 20, 2010
Dmitri Medvedev managed to get half-way through his presidency without ever visiting Kiev. That was before Viktor Yanukovich replaced the Kremlin's bête noire, Viktor Yushchenko, as Ukrainian president in February. Since then, high-level meetings have taken place almost weekly, culminating in Mr. Medvedev's state visit to Kiev this week. Mr. Medvedev has even taken to advertising his part-Ukrainian grandmother from Belgorod.
Mr. Yanukovich has now signed a huge number of agreements with Russia, most notably the deal to swap an extra 25 years for the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea for a 30 percent reduction in the price of gas. Ukraine has also agreed to big deals on cooperation in the nuclear industry and in aviation, a 10-year economic cooperation plan, and common positions on Transnistria and security in the Black Sea region that have disturbed neighbors like Moldova and Georgia. And Mr. Yanukovich has backed Mr. Medvedev's pet European Security Initiative and its goal to "eliminate the dangerous dividing lines that have appeared in the European region over the past decade."
A recently leaked strategy paper written by Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, defines Russia's overall aim as nothing less than "to actively draw Ukraine into an orbit of economic cooperation with Russia."

May 20, 2010

Deals with Russia could lead to break-up of Ukraine, warns Tymoshenko - Times Online

Deals with Russia could lead to break-up of Ukraine, warns Tymoshenko - Times Online
May 19, 2010

Deals with Russia could lead to break-up of Ukraine, warns Tymoshenko

Former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko
Five years ago she was a driving force behind the Orange Revolution that ousted Ukraine’s proRussian Government and swept a new nationalist coalition to power. Now Yuliya Tymoshenko has given warning that the country could break up, as its new President embraces the Kremlin once more.
In an exclusive interview with The Times, Mrs Tymoshenko said that Ukraine’s independence and stability were being put at risk by Russia’s dash to strike energy and security deals with President Yanukovych. She accused the President of conspiring with Moscow before his election in February to sign away control of key industries. “For the first time in 19 years of independence, the question is the preservation of the country itself, its political sovereignty.”

May 18, 2010

Russia woos Ukraine on security bloc

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Ukraine - Update: Russia woos Ukraine on security bloc

Russian Pesident Dmitry Medvedev: Russia's Black Sea fleet will not attack neighbours
Today at 17:51 | Reuters
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told Ukraine on Tuesday that the doors to a Russia-led

Update: Russia woos  Ukraine on security bloc
security bloc were always open and pledged that the Russian navy based in a Ukrainian port would never attack its neighbours.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told Ukraine on Tuesday that the doors to a Russia-led security bloc were always open and pledged that the Russian navy based in a Ukrainian port would never attack its neighbours.
The Kremlin leader sought to draw Russia's ex-Soviet neighbour closer to Moscow's vision of European security on the last day of a visit in which the two sides have agreed to renew long-term cooperation after five years of cold relations.

May 16, 2010

Коли буде готовий попередній рапорт причин смоленської авіакатастрофи : Новини УНIАН

Коли буде готовий попередній рапорт причин смоленської авіакатастрофи : Новини УНIАН
[16.05.2010 22:02]

Коли буде готовий попередній рапорт причин смоленської авіакатастрофи

Попередній рапорт причин катастрофи літака Президента Польщі Леха Качинського, який розбився 10 квітня під російським Смоленськом, може бути оприлюднений до червня.
Як передає кореспондент УНІАН, про це повідомив Едмунт КЛІХ - представник Польщі в комісії Міждержавного авіаційного комітету Російської Федерації, яка розслідує катастрофу.
Він зазначив, що зазвичай попередній рапорт причин авіакатастрофи оприлюднюється упродовж 30 днів, але через важливість справи у випадку літака Л.Качинського його підготовка займе більше часу.
"Ми домовилися з російською стороною, що до двох місяців від випадку якась форма вступного рапорту буде опублікована", - сказав Е.КЛІХ, якого цитують польські медіа.
Польський представник в комісії, який за кілька днів після катастрофи заявив публічно про те, що поляки виконують роль прохачів під час розслідування причин катастрофи, цього разу оцінив співпрацю з росіянами дуже позитивно.
"Співпраця є особливо доброю, відколи визначено, що дослідження буде проводитися згідно 13 доповнення Конвенції про міжнародний цивільний авіарух... Ми в кращій ситуації, ніж якби це був цивільний літак якоїсь авіалінії", - пояснив він.
Е.КЛІХ також зауважив, що смоленська авіакатастрофа сталася через дуже багато факторів, і що найгірша погода не може бути причиною падіння президентського літака.
Як повідомляв УНІАН, польська прокуратура планувала 22 квітня оприлюднити запис двох основних "чорних скриньок" літака Л.Качинського, що дозволило б пролити світло на причини авіактастрофи.
Однак того дня прокурори заявили, що оприлюднять записи лише після того, як отримують оригінали від росіян та проведуть експертизу авнтентичності записів.

May 15, 2010

Flashback: Moscow buys sea power with Ukraine gas deal

Moscow buys sea power with Ukraine gas deal - Times Online
April 22, 2010

Moscow buys sea power with Ukraine gas deal

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tastes a bread during a welcome  ceremony

Russia achieved an important strategic ambition yesterday by striking a deal to keep its Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine until the middle of this century.
President Medvedev said that the fleet would remain at its port in Sevastopol for 25 years after its present lease expires in 2017, following talks with Viktor Yanukovych, his Ukrainian counterpart. The agreement allows a further five-year extension to 2047.
In return, Ukraine will receive a 30 per cent discount on the price of gas imported from Russia. President Yanukovych said that the concession amounted to $40 billion (£26 billion) in Russian aid over the next decade.

EU Enlargement Commissioner Says Eastern Partnership 'Absolutely A Success'

EU Enlargement Commissioner Says Eastern Partnership 'Absolutely A Success' - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

 Eastern Partnership: Eyes On Ukraine

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele
May 14, 2010
By Jan Maksymiuk
There are concerns the European Union's market crisis will dramatically scale back its ambitions for outreach programs with its neighbors -- including its Eastern Partnership.

The initiative was launched with fanfare just over a year ago to help bring six post-Soviet countries -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus -- closer to the EU fold.

On the partnership's first anniversary on May 7, in fact, the EU kept celebrations muted -- to the point of silence. But Stefan Fuele, the EU's commissioner for enlargement and neighborhood policy, this week said the Eastern Partnership is alive and well.
"It has been absolutely a success," Fuele said. "If you take into account that it's been in existence only one year, and if you look at the relationship between the European Union and the six countries, you see that many of them are already using the potential of that Eastern Partnership."

Flashback: Can the West Trust Ukraine's New President?

Can the West Trust Ukraine's New President? - By Damon Wilson | Foreign Policy

From Ukraine With Baggage


U.S. President Barack Obama got his first look this week at Ukraine's new president, Viktor Yanukovych. As the Moscow-backed candidate who "won" the 2004 presidential election only to be defeated in the Orange Revolution, Yanukovych has some work to do on his image in the West, where many still see him as a tool of the Kremlin. His first visit to Washington as president underscored his commitment to actions rather than words and drew a contrast with his predecessor, a leader known for vision but incapable of governance.
Thanks to the White House's decision to grant Yanukovych a coveted bilateral meeting on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit, the two leaders concluded a landmark deal committing Ukraine to get rid of all its stocks of highly enriched uranium in the next two years. They also recommitted themselves to the U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership. Their two predecessors -- who were both highly committed to advancing Ukraine's NATO ambitions -- negotiated the charter as a substitute after other allies balked at granting Ukraine a path to the alliance known as the "membership action plan." By reaffirming the charter, Obama and Yanukovych have made it their own.

EPP President: Democratic achievements of Yulia Tymoshenko’s government being destroyed by Yanukovych

EPP President: Democratic achievements of Yulia Tymoshenko’s government being destroyed by Yanukovych - Yulia Tymoshenko. Official Website.

EPP President: I am very concerned about the developments in Ukraine

The President of the European People's Party (EPP) Wilfried Martens made the following statement about the current political situation in Ukraine:

"I am very concerned about the developments in Ukrainian politics after the recent Presidential elections. These negative developments have become systematic in nature and are threatening the rule of law and fundamental human rights and civil liberties.
   First, an unconstitutional majority and a new coalition were established in the Ukrainian Parliament, and as the result the government, which lacks legitimacy was formed.
    Second, there are increasing violations of the freedom of press and the revival of censorship resulting in strong criticism from a number of respectable international media organizations including "Reporters without Frontiers" and "International Freedom of Expression Exchange".

May 14, 2010

Russia Poised To Leapfrog Ukraine, Moldova In EU Visa Drive

Russia Poised To Leapfrog Ukraine, Moldova In EU Visa Drive - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Russia Poised To Leapfrog Ukraine, Moldova In EU Visa Drive

Serbia,  Croatia, and Macedonia late last year became the first countries to  complete an EU road map and thus their citizens can travel through the  Schengen zone without visas.
Serbia, Croatia, and Macedonia late last year became the first countries to complete an EU road map and thus their citizens can travel through the Schengen zone without visas.
May 14, 2010
By Ahto Lobjakas
BRUSSELS -- Russia is putting pressure on the European Union to turn the next top-level meeting between the two -- the Rostov-na-Donu gathering on May 31 -- into a "visa summit."

Officials in Brussels say the EU and Russia will jointly sign a document at Rostov-na-Donu outlining "common steps" toward visa liberalization. This would represent a significant advance for Russia in its decade-long drive toward visa-free travel in the EU. At the same time, it would hand Russia a psychological and political victory over countries like Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, who have long awaited visa liberalization and have offered political reforms to get it.

Ukraine Prosecutors Reopen Tymoshenko Criminal Probe

Ukraine Prosecutors Reopen Tymoshenko Criminal Probe - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Ukraine Prosecutors Reopen Tymoshenko Criminal Probe

Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko says the renewed  investigation reflects new 'political repression.'
Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko says the renewed investigation reflects new "political repression."
Last updated (GMT/UTC): 12.05.2010 14:00
Prosecutors in Ukraine have announced they have reopened a 6-year-old corruption investigation into former prime minister and current opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.

According to a statement released by the prosecutor's office, Tymoshenko was summoned today and formally told that a May 2004 case, in which she was accused of bribing Supreme Court justices, had been reopened.

The move, which is likely to inflame political passions in Ukraine, comes just months after the pro-Western Tymoshenko lost a bitter election fight to President Viktor Yanukovych, who was favored by the Kremlin.

Polarising Politics in Ukraine

Polarising Politics in Ukraine | EurActiv

Polarising Politics in Ukraine

Published: 03 May 2010 | Updated: 05 May 2010
Viktor Yanukovych "needs to act like a unifying leader, not a divisive one," writes David Kramer, a senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in an April paper.
The following commentary was prepared by David Kramer.
"The agreement signed last week between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev in which Ukraine will receive cheaper gas in exchange for extending Russia's Black Sea Fleet presence in Crimea until at least 2042 has set off a firestorm of criticism. The rapid ratification of the agreement within five days of its signing by the Ukrainian parliament (known as the Verkhovna Rada and in which Yanukovych's coalition has a majority) will only stoke the opposition.
For a deal of such consequence and implications, it was irresponsible of the Rada to have taken up the issue so quickly, without proper review, especially given the agreement's lack of transparency.

Russia’s Strategic Gains at Ukraine’s and Europe’s Expense

Russia’s Strategic Gains at Ukraine’s and Europe’s Expense - The Jamestown Foundation
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 7 Issue: 81
April 27, 2010 06:57 PM Age: 16 days
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Military/Security, Russia, Ukraine
Russia’s new deal with Ukraine on the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) and gas prices has profound bilateral significance, as well as for the CIS and even Europe. It ratifies long-term Russian gains at the expense of all the other players and continues to solidify Moscow’s claim to possess a sphere of influence in the former Soviet Union. Ukraine had sought to obtain reduced gas prices to cope with its deep economic crisis. It had three alternatives: the first, which it pursued, was to offer Moscow a share in a consortium alongside Ukraine and the EU, to manage the reorganization of the Ukrainian gas distribution network. Moscow turned this down, not wanting to be part of a consortium in regard to reforming the Ukrainian gas network, because it would not have a controlling share and, equally importantly, opportunities for corruption in the current status quo constitute the foundation of much of Russia’s gas wealth and leverage upon Ukraine and other East European states. If there is to be a consortium, Moscow wants it to be one that it controls.

Янукович: Україна готова, якщо Європа готова

BBC Ukrainian - Українська - Янукович: Україна готова, якщо Європа готова

Янукович: Україна готова, якщо Європа готова

Президент Янукович в інтерв'ю Бі-Бі-Сі заперечив, що Україна заглибилася в сферу політики Росії, заявивши, що "Україна просуватиметься у сферу українських інтересів", але "там, де буде цікаво, з точки зору економіки, з точки зору розвитку країни", Київ готовий у майбутньому об’єднуватися з Росією. Проте Віктор Янукович сказав, що об'єднання російського "Газпрому" та українського "Нафтогазу" малоймовірне.
Пан Янукович сказав, що "Україна готова до інтеграції в Європу настільки, наскільки Європа готова до цього".
З Віктором Януковичем розмовляв кореспондент Бі-Бі-Сі Річард Ґалпін.

President Yanukovic's Dubious Deal

Issue n. 59 of the CEPS European Neighbourhood Watch

By Michael Emerson

The newly, democratically elected President Yanukovich of Ukraine has got off to a spectacularly fast but equally dubious start. First on his diplomacy. His first supposedly symbolic act of foreign policy was to fly to Brussels first, before to Moscow, as if to demonstrate his European credentials. But after seeing what he did in Moscow a few days later, this day trip to Brussels now looks a very hollow gesture.
In Moscow he made a two-part deal, in which the headlines are an extension of the lease of the Russian Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol for 25 to 30 years, and a 10 year discount off the price of gas. As the Russian President has said, these two elements are intimately interconnected.

May 13, 2010

End of Ukraine and future of Eurasia?

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Opinion - OP-ED - End of Ukraine and future of Eurasia
May 07 at 15:59 | Alexander J. Motyl
For the first time in 20 years, Ukraine’s disappearance as a state is imaginable. Since Ukraine is a pivotal state of great geopolitical significance to the stability of both Europe and Asia, its collapse could have considerable geopolitical consequences.

If Ukraine fails as a state, future historians will place the blame on four factors:

· NATO enlargement up to Ukraine’s western border. Expanding the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to include East Central Europe and the Baltic states effectively placed Ukraine in a strategically untenable no-man’s land between a united West and an increasingly hostile Russia.
· President Viktor Yushchenko’s catastrophic mismanagement of the country in 2005-2009. Yushchenko neglected the economy, permitted corruption to flourish, demoralized the population, polarized the country, and destroyed the unity of pro-Western Ukrainian elites.

May 12, 2010

Юлія Тимошенко: кримінальні справи не зупинять мене на шляху захисту України

Юлія Тимошенко: кримінальні справи не зупинять мене на шляху захисту України - Юлія Тимошенко. Офіційний сайт.
12 Тра 2010, 10:12

Юлія Тимошенко: кримінальні справи не зупинять мене на шляху захисту України

Юлія Тимошенко заявляє, що Президент Віктор Янукович дав доручення керівництву Генеральної прокуратури знайти будь-які підстави для того, щоб протягом 3-4 місяців ув’язнити її.

"У Генеральній прокуратурі зараз в усіх кабінетах говорять про те, що Янукович дав персональне доручення керівництву Генеральної прокуратури знайти будь-які підстави, немає значення, які, але протягом трьох-чотирьох місяців посадити мене до в’язниці", - сказала Юлія Тимошенко перед будівлею Головного слідчого управління ГПУ в Києві.

За словами Юлії Тимошенко, це доручення дано саме Президентом. "Персонально Янукович відслідковує, як іде процес, персонально Януковичу керівництво Генеральної прокуратури звітує про свої досягнення", - сказала вона.

Юлія Тимошенко повідомила, що сьогодні її запросили "у зв’язку з проведенням Генеральною прокуратурою України досудового слідства у кримінальній справі номер 49-1293".

The many ambiguities of Viktor Yanukovych 

The many ambiguities of Viktor Yanukovych | Policies | Foreign affairs | Neighbourhood | European Voice


The many ambiguities of Viktor Yanukovych

By Toby Vogel
06.05.2010 / 05:10 CET
Whether Ukraine's newly elected president looks east or west, the EU must be coherent in its dealings with its eastern neighbour.
When Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's opposition leader, beat Yulia Tymoshenko, the then prime minister, to become the country's president on 7 February, foreign analysts and diplomats were agonising about the line he would take. Would he be pro-Russian, or merely less anti-Russian than the incumbent, Viktor Yushchenko, they pondered, and was he an ideologue or a pragmatist? After three months, a nuanced answer is emerging.
Yanukovych made friends in the EU by choosing Brussels, rather than Moscow, for his first official trip – although not all his comments to EU leaders were entirely reassuring.

Video: Putin: ‘I Would Eat Both Yanukovych And…Aaaand…’

Ukrainiana: Putin: ‘I Would Eat Both Yanukovych And…Aaaand…’

Friday, April 30, 201

Last year, a Russian news anchor called President Medvedev “Prime Minister of Russia.” Even more hilariously, he then called PM Putin by his previous job title: “President.”

As if in revenge, during his recent inspection of Kyiv, Putin degraded Yanukovych and even entertained the idea of cannibalizing him.
Putin: The price that...uh...that they rolled out at us — to me it was completely off the charts. For this amount of money, I would eat both Yanukovych and...aaaaaand your president combined. But...I really...but the money is military base in the world is worth that much money. There’s no price like that.

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia | World news |

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia | World news |

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia

New president's inaugural Moscow visit appears to usher in new era between countries
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich visits Moscow
Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president, drinks tea with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, at the Kremlin in Moscow. Photograph: Vladimir Rodionov/Ria Novosti/EPA
The new president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, has promised a dramatic improvement in relations with Russia during his first official visit to Moscow.
Speaking after a meeting with his counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, Yanukovych said he would perform a sharp U-turn on the polices pursued by his predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko, whose pro-west and pro-Nato stance infuriated the Kremlin.

Yanukovych May Ignore Gazprom-Naftogaz Merger Proposal | Business | The Moscow Times

Yanukovych May Ignore Gazprom-Naftogaz Merger Proposal | Business | The Moscow Times

Yanukovych May Ignore Gazprom-Naftogaz Merger Proposal

Combined Reports
Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Boiko, left, and Oettinger talking  to reporters Thursday after a meeting in Brussels.

Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP
Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Boiko, left, and Oettinger talking to reporters Thursday after a meeting in Brussels.
Ukraine might not consider a proposal by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to merge Gazprom with Naftogaz Ukrainy, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said Thursday.
"[Putin's offer] was an unexpected step for Ukraine, and it does not mean that this question will be considered by Ukraine and resolved," Yanukovych's press service quoted him as saying.

Ukraine’s Leaders Trying to Resist Gazprom-Naftohaz “Merger” - The Jamestown Foundation

Ukraine’s Leaders Trying to Resist Gazprom-Naftohaz “Merger” - The Jamestown Foundation
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 7 Issue: 89
May 7, 2010 10:27 AM Age: 5 days
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vlad’s Corner, Energy, Ukraine, Russia
Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin’s, April 30 proposal to “merge” Ukraine’s national energy company Naftohaz with Gazprom (EDM, May 5) has stunned the new Ukrainian authorities. During an entire week after the proposal’s airing President, Viktor Yanukovych, and Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov, have arrogated to themselves alone the right of reply on the authorities’ behalf, silencing other officials and ignoring the experts. This instinctively authoritarian reaction reflects the new authorities’ attempts to introduce a “pyramid of power” in Ukraine.

Flashback: Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Turns East

With less than two months in office President, Viktor Yanukovych, has undermined a twenty year-old elite consensus on national security by, as EDM (November 3, 2009) forecast, introducing a far more pro-Russian essence to Ukrainian foreign policy than if Yulia Tymoshenko had been elected (EDM, January 20). Yanukovych –not Tymoshenko– was supported in the elections by Russia (EDM, January 14, 29).
Ukrainian political commentator, Mykola Ryabchuk, warned that the Yanukovych administration would be more authoritarian and pro-Russian than was President Leonid Kuchma in 1994-2004 (, April 7). This view of Yanukovych, as a threat to Ukrainian independence and democracy, is quickly gaining ground due to the heavy handed manner in which he has launched his divisive domestic and foreign policies despite being elected by only one third of the population, coming first in 10 out of 27 administrative regions and with less than 50 percent of the vote.
The West has largely remained passive about President Viktor Yanukovych’s infringement of the constitution and turn towards Russia, because it has accepted his claim that he is bringing much needed “stability” to Ukraine after five years of “Orange” instability.

Yanukovych deflates Putin offer of gas merger - Russia Beyond the Headlines - Russian news

Yanukovych deflates Putin offer of gas merger - Russia Beyond the Headlines - Russian news (sponsored by Russian Government)
In recent statements, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych deflated Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's "impromptu" trial balloon to merge Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom and its Ukrainian counterpart Naftogaz while at the same time polishing his pro-EU foreign policy stance, saying that any merger would only be possible after talks with the EU
Yanukovych deflates Putin offer of gas merger

"If we decide to begin talks [about the merger] we should include the EU at a certain stage as the main consumer of gas and the main partner," Yanukovych said, according to The Moscow Times.

May 11, 2010

Комітет захисту України кличе людей під Раду для "демонстрації" | Українська правда

Комітет захисту України кличе людей під Раду для "демонстрації" | Українська правда

Комітет захисту України кличе людей під Раду для "демонстрації"

Понеділок, 10 травня 2010, 17:27 
Народний комітет захисту України закликає громадян прийти 11 травня о 10.00 на мітинг до Верховної Ради.
"Аби висловитися на підтримку суверенітету, територіальної цілісності та стратегічної власності України", - мотивує у зверненні комітет, повідомляє прес-служба БЮТ.
"Ми свідомі, що один мітинг не змінить загальнополітичної ситуації. Але (від того) скільки буде людей, як ми зможемо згуртовано продемонструвати свою рішучість і послідовність, буде залежати подальша перемога", - наголошується в ньому.
"Усі як один, для кого слова: Україна, честь і гідність, права людини є святими, - мають прийти у цей день під стіни парламенту", - закликають члени комітету.
Як відомо, Народний комітет захисту України було створено у понеділок низкою політичних сил, громадських організацій та діячів.

May 10, 2010

Опозиційні сили створили комітет захисту україни


Опозиційні сили створили комітет захисту України

Понеділок, 10 травня 2010, 12:59 Версія для друку Коментарі 115
Представники позапарламентських та парламентських політичних сил створили Комітет захисту України для координації дій у відстоюванні національних інтересів. Відповідний установчий акт вони підписали у понеділок у будинку Спілки письменників України в Києві, повідомляє УНІАН. Зокрема, під цим документом поставили свої підписи 7 керівників та представників парламентських партій - зокрема, Народного руху України, партії "Батьківщина", Європейської партії України, Української соціал-демократичної партії, Партії захисників Вітчизни, партії "Реформи і порядок", "Народної самооборони". З позапарламентських партій ініціативу підтримали ВО "Свобода", Українська партія. Керівники КУН та УНП мають намір у вівторок, 11 травня, поставити під вказаним документом свої підписи.

Ukrainians prepare for Russians bearing gifts - BUSINESS NEW EUROPE

Ukrainians prepare for Russians bearing gifts - BUSINESS NEW EUROPE
Graham Stack in Kyiv
May 10, 2010

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was recently named one of the world's leading persecutors of the press and, true to form, he cruelly upset many journalists' holiday plans when, on the eve of the long May Day weekend, he casually proposed merging Russia and Ukraine's respective nuclear power and gas sectors.

With rumours swirling and speculation rife, the outcome of the ongoing talks between the Russian and Ukrainian governments to deepen and thus improve the two's often-fraught energy relations is still anybody's guess. But some of the proposals made by Russia to Ukraine for tighter energy collaboration could benefit all sides, including Europe, if approached with caution.

May 9, 2010

Tymoshenko: I want to wake up Ukraine

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Politics - Tymoshenko: I want to wake up Ukraine
Yesterday at 15:15 | Interfax-Ukraine
The BYuT leader Yulia Tymoshenko is convinced that if hundred thousand, not ten thousand people, come to squares, the new Ukrainian power would hear their opinion.

"If ten thousand people come to squares near the presidential administration and Verkhovna Rada, power takes batons, beats these people, humiliates them, puts into jail, breaks up demonstrations and feels masters on earth, which the power destroyed. If there are hundred thousand of people on squares, power is changing before our eyes," he said at a press conference in Vinnytsia on May 7.

The BYuT leader said that in the said case power would hear opinions of the society.

"Our task today is to wake up people so that they understand what they’re loosing personally, what each member of their families, each child are loosing and what they’re loosing for the future," she said.

"I think that today we all should come with a slogan "I don’t trade in Ukraine," as it's impossible to trade in Ukraine so as it's impossible to trade in the dearest thing," she said.

Russia plans to invest heavily in Sevastopol base - ambassador

Russia plans to invest heavily in Sevastopol base - ambassador | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire
Russia is planning to focus on the development of social and military infrastructure in the port of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula, the Russian ambassador to Ukraine said on Sunday.
Russia's lease of the Black Sea Fleet's base in Sevastopol has been extended for 25 years after the current lease expires in 2017 in a deal simultaneously ratified by the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments in April. The lease may be further extended by five years.

May 8, 2010

Tymoshenko triggers committee to protest against Yanukovych's policy

May 04 at 17:54 | Ukrainian News

Tymoshenko triggers committee to protest against Yanukovych's 
Bloc leader Yulia Tymoshenko wants creation of committees protecting Ukraine in all regions of the country to demonstrate the disagreement of public with the policy of President Viktor Yanukovych and to press for early elections to the Verkhovna Rada. She gave her position in an interview with the Fifth Channel on May 1.

In the opinion of the former prime minister of Ukraine, the current parliament is incapable of protecting the national interests of Ukraine. Consequently, the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada can be the only solution to the challenge, said Tymoshenko.
Tymoshenko said it is impossible to employ the resignation of 150 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada as the legal ground for disbanding the parliament, as this legal norm has been changed after 2007.

May 7, 2010

EUobserver / EU has no objections to Gazprom-Naftogaz takeover

EUobserver / EU has no objections to Gazprom-Naftogaz takeover

EU has no objections to Gazprom-Naftogaz takeover

06.05.2010 @ 17:42 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has no objections to Russia's proposed takeover of Ukraine's national gas company, despite warnings that it would harm EU interests.
"The decision has to come between Kiev and Moscow and not in Brussels," EU energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger told journalists in Brussels on Thursday (6 April) after meeting Ukrainian energy minister Yuriy Boyko.
Mr Oettinger (r): 'Today there is no reason for any activity of the European Commission' (Photo:

May 6, 2010

Journalists protest against censorship ::

Journalists protest against censorship ::

Journalists protest against censorship

Journalists have issued an open letter in which they assert that censorship is being imposed on Television Channel 1 + 1. The journalists from TSN which is the news service of the same media outlet write:
“As journalists from TSN, we wish to state that censorship is being imposed on the television channel 1 + 1.
We are prohibited from covering certain subjects on air. Our reports containing criticism of the current regime are for political considerations taken off air. The final decision regarding whether material is broadcast is taken not by the editor of the programme, not even by the Chief Editor of TSN, but by the General Director of 1 + 1”.

Українська діаспора у США протестує проти

Українська діаспора у США протестує
[05.05.2010 11:26]

Українська діаспора у США протестує

Акцію протесту проти продовження перебування російського флоту в Криму провела українська громада у США.
Протест відбувся під час дводенного візиту Міністра закордонних справ України Костянтина Грищенка до США.

Як передає власний кореспондент УНІАН, кілька сотень протестантів зібрались перед будинком Постійного представництва України при ООН, де у Грищенка повинна була відбутися зустріч із представниками української громади.

Ukrainian Civil Society creates Public Committee for Salvation of Ukraine

Громадськість створює комітет порятунку України | Українська правда
Join on

Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 15:51

On Wednesday in Kiev, the action group meeting with a Public  Committee for
Salvation of Ukraine.
This is the Description of reference.

Group intends to hold a meeting in the Writers' Union of Ukraine, which will discuss issues concerning the early formation of the Committee.

Natural gas: An unconventional glut | The Economist

Natural gas: An unconventional glut | The Economist
Natural gas

An unconventional glut

Newly economic, widely distributed sources are shifting the balance of power in the world’s gas markets

Mar 11th 2010 | HOUSTON | From The Economist print edition
SOME time in 2014 natural gas will be condensed into liquid and loaded onto a tanker docked in Kitimat, on Canada’s Pacific coast, about 650km (400 miles) north-west of Vancouver. The ship will probably take its cargo to Asia. This proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant, to be built by Apache Corporation, an American energy company, will not be North America’s first. Gas has been shipped from Alaska to Japan since 1969. But if it makes it past the planning stages, Kitimat LNG will be one of the continent’s most significant energy developments in decades.

May 5, 2010

The end of Ukraine's EU integration?

EUobserver / [Comment] The end of Ukraine's EU integration?

The end of Ukraine's EU integration?

Today @ 13:17 CET
EUOBSERVER / COMMENT - The first two months of office of Ukraine's new President Viktor Yanukovych look like the unfolding of the worst possible post-election scenario for the country.
The new President has prolonged the stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea until 2042, which cancels any chances of joining Nato for the next 30 years and also puts in doubt the country's EU membership prospects for decades to come.
Squashed oranges: the Orange Revolution of 2004 did not deliver promised reforms (Photo: mattlemmon)
He seems poised to accept a takeover of Ukraine's highly-advanced aviation and nuclear industries by Russian companies, and is ready to "examine" the Kremlin-proposed merger, or takeover, of Ukraine's key strategic asset, the state-owned gas and oil monopoly Naftogaz, by Russia's Gazprom.
On top of all this, he has stood up and denied in the Council of Europe that the great famine of 1932-1933, which was caused by Stalin and claimed up to 7 million Ukrainian lives, should not be called "genocide." There is talk he may recognise the independence of Georgia's Russia-backed rebel regions, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

May 3, 2010

Russia extends its reach | The Japan Times Online

Russia has considered states on its periphery as part of its sphere of influence. Frequently, however, those neighbors have had ideas of their own and their domestic politics have been defined by the struggle between pro- and anti-Russian factions.
This fight was played out most recently in Ukraine, where the election of Viktor Yanukovych earlier this year signaled the resurgence of pro-Moscow forces in the country. Last week, the two countries signed a gas-for-bases deal that consolidates Russia's presence and influence.
While Yanukovych is no less nationalist than his rivals, his sympathies lie more with Moscow than did those of his predecessor, Viktor Yushchenko. Indeed, Yushchenko's pro-Western inclinations created considerable tension with Moscow. He sought Ukraine's membership in NATO and the European Union, halted the formation of a consortium with Russia that would have modernized Ukraine's gas pipeline network, and had pledged to to expel the Russian fleet from its Black Sea base in Sevastopol in 2017, when its current lease expires.

What Russia gets from the Ukraine gas deal

What Russia gets from the Ukraine gas deal

MOSCOW, Russia — Just two months after the inauguration of a friendly president in neighboring Ukraine, Russia has moved swiftly to solidify its influence in the country, making Kiev’s flirtation with the West look like a brief post-Soviet blip.
Today, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych signed into law a deal extending Russia’s lease of a naval base in Crimea, Ukraine’s autonomous Black Sea region. The contentious deal ensures a Russian naval presence on Ukrainian territory through 2042.

May 2, 2010

What are the Ukrainians playing at?

The European Council on Foreign Relations | What are the Ukrainians playing at?

What are the Ukrainians playing at?

By Andrew Wilson - 30 Apr 10

Ukrainian MPs often fight in parliament. On 27 April they threw eggs and let off smoke bombs, as opposition MPs accused Ukraine's new President Viktor Yanukovych of selling out the country to Russia for a few pieces of silver.
Ukraine is back to playing the game it knows best: the balancing act between East and West.
Yanukovych initially seemed to be making overtures to the West. His first foreign visit was to Brussels on 1 March, where he made all the right noises. In Washington on 12-13 April Yanukovych helpfully provided Obama with the headlines he needed at an otherwise fruitless non-proliferation summit by agreeing to give up Ukraine's stockpile of enriched uranium.

No discount on gas after "Kharkov arrangements"

No discount on gas after "Kharkov arrangements"
May 1, 2010
‘The Russian fuel will cost for Ukraine as much as for European countries”, - said the MP from PSD Taras Stetskiv at the "Ukraine" TV channel
If you look at the economic aspects, there is a myth, not a discount on gas. We pay the average European price minus transportation costs, - the deputy said.
They applied absolutely headstrong approach, taking the price of Russian gas at the border with Italy and cutting the costs of transportation.
This is not discount, this is a real price paid by Europe, - he concluded.
Earlier, a similar position was expressed by the experts. According to them, the assertion that the price of Russian gas for Ukraine is the cheapest in Europe, is a myth, says

May 1, 2010

Russia's Ukraine Gas Bombshell Draws Outcry, Skepticism - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Russia's Ukraine Gas Bombshell Draws Outcry, Skepticism - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

Russia's Ukraine Gas Bombshell Draws Outcry, Skepticism

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's proposal has provoked a furious response from Ukraine's opposition.
May 01, 2010
Ukrainians and energy experts are still reeling from Russia's offer to merge its Gazprom gas monopoly with Ukraine's state energy firm, Naftogaz.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's proposal has provoked a  furious response from Ukraine's opposition.
Ties between Moscow and Kyiv have significantly warmed since Kremlin ally Viktor Yanukovych became Ukrainian president in February. Both sides have already signed a deal on gas pricing and a landmark lease extension for a Russian naval base in Ukraine's Crimea.

Russia's latest proposal, however, had a bombshell effect, sparking a furious outcry from Ukraine's opposition.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made the surprise offer on April 30 after talks with his Ukrainian counterpart, Mykola Azarov, in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi.

"We have talked about integration in the nuclear field. We are prepared to do the same in the gas field," Putin said. "I propose merging Gazprom and Naftogaz."

Tymoshenko: Russia absorbs Ukraine, and this can not be tolerated

Тимошенко: Росія поглинає Україну, і цього терпіти не можна | Українська правда
Saturday, May 1, 2010, 16:33
Opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko has  said Saturday that if the "Naftogaz” of Ukraine and Russian Gazprom will unite the Ukraine will have  only 6% stake in the joint management structure.

She stated this at a press conference in Lutsk, the official website said.

"After the experts estimation the share of  Ukraine in the joint venture will be 6.1. In such circumstances  Ukraine would be unable  to influence the management of these objects "- she said.